All Those Left Behind Animal Rescue, Inc. is a foster home based 501 c 3 not for profit animal rescue licensed by the State of Illinois Department of Agriculture. Our mission is to rescue animals left by their owners or at animal controls as we strive to prevent euthanasia of any animal regardless of breed, age or health concerns. Not only are we a rescue but we have sanctuary animals too which will live out the rest of their lives in our rescue because of them being considered unadoptable due to medical or behavioral concerns. All of our staff are volunteers, we do not have paid employees and we do NOT have a physical shelter, all of our animals are in foster homes.
We are on the road to opening our very own sanctuary and adoption center!!!! But we need YOUR help to get the building complete!! Come on out and lend a hand at building, you can donate monetarily to help with costs of materials or purchase any building supplies off of our building materials wish list. Any help is truly so greatly appreciated.
Content copyright 2021. All Those Left Behind Animal Rescue, Inc. All Rights reserved.